In the last episode I spoke with Amber O’ Neal Johnston about living books and how to recognize them. Charlotte Mason said that lesson material should be based on two ...
What Are Living Books and Why Are They So Important? With Amber O’Neal Johnston If you’ve been in the homeschooling realm for long you’ve probably heard the term “living books.” ...
“In this time of extraordinary pressure—educational and social—perhaps a mother’s first duty to her children is to secure for them a quiet growing time” -Charlotte Mason, Home Education “What should ...
Why don’t my children enjoy school? How can I increase their curiosity and desire to learn? What kind of subjects should I teach and how should I present them? In ...
Which skills do my children need to succeed in life? My house is in complete chaos. How can I make my days smoother? My child’s behavior isn’t meeting my expectations. ...
In this episode Leah Boden, of Modern Miss Mason, joins me to discuss the big idea of mother culture and self-care. Mothers choosing to educate their children at home have ...
Episode #20 | The One Room Schoolhouse and Family-Style Learning with Donna Goff One-room schoolhouses are extinct, but it’s not because they were ineffective. On the contrary, one-room schoolhouses were ...
Episode #19 | Education is an Atmosphere (Relationship with the World) “When we say that ‘education is an atmosphere,’ we do not mean that a child should be isolated in ...
Episode #18 | Video Games and Play with Dr. Peter Gray This is part two of my conversation with Dr Peter Gray. In this episode we discuss what play is, ...
Episode #17 | Real Life Learning with Dr. Peter Gray (Part 1) Charlotte Mason said that “When we say that ‘education is an atmosphere,’ we do not mean that a ...