25 | What Are Living Books with Amber O’Neal Johnston

25 | What Are Living Books with Amber O’Neal Johnston

What Are Living Books and Why Are They So Important? With Amber O’Neal Johnston

If you’ve been in the homeschooling realm for long you’ve probably heard the term “living books.”

This is a term coined by Charlotte Mason, and has become extremely widespread, for good reason. Living books put the flesh on the dry bones of fact. Mason boldly stated that “

“no education seems to be worth the name which has not made children at home in the world of books, and so related them, mind to mind, with thinkers who have dealt with knowledge. We reject epitomes, compilations, and their like, and put into children’s hands books which, long or short, are living.”

(Charlotte Mason, School Education, p. 226)

Today I’m speaking with book enthusiast Amber O’Neal Johnston of Heritage Mom all about living books — what they are, why they’re so important, and how we can use them build a rich heritage in our homes.



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