Children’s Books About The Civil War + Slavery

Children’s Books About The Civil War + Slavery

One of my favorite parts about homeschool is history. Once I learned about “living books” from Charlotte Mason all subjects came alive for me and my kids, but especially history. If you’re not sure what a living book is, it’s simply a book written by an author who tells what they know in story form. They don’t just tell facts, they tell stories. We used Two Miserable Presidents as the spine (a general overview of a time period) and then my first and third grader read some picture books to supplement that reading, while my 6th grader read a biography. We read The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg as a read-aloud and historical fiction. My boys absolutely loved this book! It was that special ingredient that helped everything else come together beautifully.

There are so many excellent books about this time period! There are many that aren’t on this list (you can find the complete lists in my curriculum guides), but these are our favorites. And I know your family will love them, too.

Picture Books


Two Miserable Presidents by Steve Sheinkin
(a good book for all ages! My 7, 9, and 11 year old all enjoyed it)


Historical Fiction

Painting: Cotton Pickers by Winslow Homer

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